Hey There Everyone!
Well, I had my 38 week check up yesterday and we have made a LITTLE progress!! I was so stoked to hear that things are starting to move a little bit! I am a finger-tip dialated (not quite a cm yet) and about 20% effaced! its not a whole lot, but I'll take it! It actually means that my son is gearing up to meet his mommy and daddy!! HOLY COW! ha ha
Everything is going great in the pregnancy this far and everyday is just a blessing! The DR. said that at my 39 week checkup if I have more progress about 1cm or more then we can schedule an induction date for NEXT WEEK!! that means it could possibly only be 1 more week until my son arrives! wooohooooo!! I am praying for some progress!
Jarrod and I went to Wal*Mart yesterday to pick up my meds for my sore throat and while we were waiting we walked around the store for about 45 minutes! I started having some BHC, however none were painful just really tight! I also bought a birthing ball so that I could relax my back some and just stretch! I looked up some excersices on the internet and I found out that using the birthing ball can actually settle the baby in your cervix more! I was really excited about that. So last night I sat on the ball gently bouncing and rocking side to side and this morning my pelvic area is a little more sore! maybe he is getting in there more!
Well thats all my wonderful news from my appt!! My Next appt is next tuesday Sept 1st only 5 days from his due date! only 11 days and counting! or maybe I will be in Labor before my next DR appt! who knows... just a waiting game now!
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