"This is the day the Lord has made, I will REJOICE and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2 Little Teeth!!

I'm now a proud momma to a little boy with 2 teeth!!!!

After a little crying, restlessness, and his fingers in his mouth constantly, I checked Hunter's gums and what do I see?? Not one but 2 Little specks!! He was doing so much better since the 1st tooth came in a few weeks back and now my poor little guy is going to be uncomfortable for a day or so until this one cuts through all the way.


It's so exciting seeing new things and watching him grow!!
Praise The Lord for sweet gifts!!

1 comment:

My Strong Boy Rolling Over Again!

Down Syndrome Awareness

My sister posted this on her facebook page and its raising awareness for Down Syndrome! Praise The Lord! I have been given the biggest blessing to raise a Down Syndrome little boy and I strive everyday for Him to be given every possibility! Hunter is thriving every single day and is amazing me more and more! He is so strong! Our Doctors are in Awe of him!! My sweet savior has blessed us so incredibly much!