"This is the day the Lord has made, I will REJOICE and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

8 month pictures

This will be a quick blog today. I promise to update everyone just as soon as I have several minutes to sit down at one time. The House is coming along quite nicely and things are finally starting to flow more at our house. We still have much to unpack but I'm letting it all go slowly so that I can enjoy my family and not get too stressed. Please pray that I can just not worry about all the clutter.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures I took of Hunter for his 8 month Birthday! (sorry I'm almost 2 weeks behind on it)

My Favorite
Staring out the window
Eating his ducky
Yelling at the duck and was D.O.N.E with pictures! =D
I love that little stare!!

Rejoicing in the beautiful day the Lord has made!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the "enough pictures already!" picture! Makes me smile. Hope all the settling into the new place is going well!


My Strong Boy Rolling Over Again!

Down Syndrome Awareness

My sister posted this on her facebook page and its raising awareness for Down Syndrome! Praise The Lord! I have been given the biggest blessing to raise a Down Syndrome little boy and I strive everyday for Him to be given every possibility! Hunter is thriving every single day and is amazing me more and more! He is so strong! Our Doctors are in Awe of him!! My sweet savior has blessed us so incredibly much!